Master the skills to build platforms similar to YouTube, Netflix, Shopify, TikTok, Amazon & other.

Skool community where you will learn to design and develop full stack responsive websites using NextJS, React, Convex, Typescript, Tailwind CSS & ShadCN.

Video Courses

Full stack courses: WhatsApp, Spotify, Messenger, ChatGPT and Skool from scratch. More coming every week. By building these, you will learn to build any websute you want.

Group & Live Sessions

Learn how to design and develop full-stack responsive websites, architectures, plans. Learn advanced React concepts used when starting a startup or getting a highly paid job.

Community & Teachers

Solve bugs, ask questions, brainstorm solutions, collaborate on projects, exchange ideas, and refine your craft. Seek guidance on complex coding challenges, discuss the latest trends in web dev, or simply get inspired.

Learn everything you need to build a platform

An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral
An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral
An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral



Learn the React-based open-source framework that empowers developers with server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities, enabling seamless and efficient web application development.







Learn the React-based open-source framework that empowers developers with server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities, enabling seamless and efficient web application development.







Learn the React-based open-source framework that empowers developers with server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities, enabling seamless and efficient web application development.





Versatile Integrations

Versatile Integrations

Learn to seamlessly connect a myriad of APIs, services, and products across e-commerce, content creation, and other domains. Whether leveraging Vercel for deployment, Firebase for real-time database functionality, or Stripe for secure payment processing, these integrations streamline operations and enhance user experiences.

They empower developers to weave together diverse functionalities, such as AI capabilities from the OpenAI API or communication features from Twilio, creating interconnected ecosystems that maximize efficiency and drive website success.

Hands-On Projects

Select and develop real-world projects that align with your interests and aspirations. Put your skills to the test by working on projects tailored specifically to your goals, and build a portfolio that showcases your expertise and creativity to potential employers.


Personalized Coaching

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, we will guide you every step of the way to ensure your success.


Cutting-Edge Technologies

Stay ahead of the curve by mastering the latest technologies such as Next.js, React, Convex, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and ShadCN. Gain a competitive edge in the job market with in-demand skills.


Hands-On Projects

Select and develop real-world projects that align with your interests and aspirations. Put your skills to the test by working on projects tailored specifically to your goals, and build a portfolio that showcases your expertise and creativity to potential employers.


Personalized Coaching

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, we will guide you every step of the way to ensure your success.


Cutting-Edge Technologies

Stay ahead of the curve by mastering the latest technologies such as Next.js, React, Convex, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and ShadCN. Gain a competitive edge in the job market with in-demand skills.


Flexible and Transparent Pricing for all your needs

Flexible and Transparent Pricing for all your needs

Flexible and Transparent Pricing for all your needs

Flexible and Transparent Pricing for all your needs




$49 / Month

What's Included

Full Stack Projects Courses

Live sessions every week

All questions answered

Video tutorials




$49 / Month

What's Included

Full Stack Projects Courses

Live sessions every week

All questions answered

Video tutorials




$49 / Month

What's Included

Full Stack Projects Courses

Live sessions every week

All questions answered

Video tutorials




$49 / Month

What's Included

Full Stack Projects Courses

Live sessions every week

All questions answered

Video tutorials


Frequently Asked Questions

What is React Development Mastery Community?

What kind of courses are available?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

How does this community support its members?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

Who is this program suitable for?

What prerequisites are required to enroll in the program?

What support will I receive during the program?

Is there a refund policy?

How do I book a free onboarding call?


Frequently Asked Questions

What is React Development Mastery Community?

What kind of courses are available?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

How does this community support its members?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

Who is this program suitable for?

What prerequisites are required to enroll in the program?

What support will I receive during the program?

Is there a refund policy?

How do I book a free onboarding call?


Frequently Asked Questions

What is React Development Mastery Community?

What kind of courses are available?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

How does this community support its members?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

Who is this program suitable for?

What prerequisites are required to enroll in the program?

What support will I receive during the program?

Is there a refund policy?

How do I book a free onboarding call?


Frequently Asked Questions

What is React Development Mastery Community?

What kind of courses are available?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

How does this community support its members?

What can I expect from group and live sessions?

Who is this program suitable for?

What prerequisites are required to enroll in the program?

What support will I receive during the program?

Is there a refund policy?

How do I book a free onboarding call?

Level Up Now With Level Up Now

Level Up Now © 2024

Level Up Now With Level Up Now

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Level Up Now With Level Up Now

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